
Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcome to Term 3 2012. Room 19 has settled well back into Lytton Street School routines. I am excited to be Room 19's teacher for the rest of 2012. Miss Lowe has had a great first half of the year and I hope the second half will be as successful. Somethings will be different in my teaching technic. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see me. Our Inquiry this term is based on Treasures. Over the next few weeks your child will be asking you about their treasures, family name and family tree. Each week they will be bringing home Home Fun. This will be set up on Mondays and checked on Fridays. The children will have ten spelling words in total. Five from their list, based on their assessment, and five from their previous weeks writing. A small maths grid will be included, a weekly quiz, a poem and an Inquiry question. Children will gain Buzzy Bees for completing their Home Fun and for being able to recite their poem. I look forward to working with you to teach to meet the individual needs of your child.

Ms Mayne

Thursday, June 28, 2012

End of Term 2

Friday is the last day of Term 2 and my last day with Room 19 and Lytton Street School. I would like to thank the students, staff and parents for giving me the absolute best start to my teaching career. The 2 and 1/2 years have been challenging at times, rewarding and a blast! Of course the best part about the time here has been meeting and teaching the children of the school and I will miss seeing Room 19s faces everyday!
All the best Room 19. You are in awesome hands! Learn forever and have fun with Ms Mayne :-)


Miss Lowe

Friday, June 22, 2012

PrEP - What a great turn out for the market day. We all did well, selling out of our products. As a result, no one was in debt and turned over a very good profit. Well done for all the hard work, Room 19!
Check out the pictures of our stalls:

Room 17's stalls

Friday, June 1, 2012

PrEP Update

We have been very busy researching and planning our products for our business and writing C.V's with covering letters for the CEOs.

Here are the names of the businesses:

Markaia's venture will be making flax flowers as home decorations. 

Geena's venture is called "Beeswax". They will be making lip balm and hair gel.

Stephanie's group, S.S. Bakery, will be making 3 different baked goods.

Zephyr's venture is called fantastic pencil holders and they will be making 2-3 different pencil holders.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

PrEP update!

CONGRATULATIONS to the following students in Room 19 for being selected as CEOs of their PrEP ventures: 
Geena, Markaia, Zephyr and Stephanie. 
These children are in charge of the 4 "businesses" in Room 19 and will soon have the task of reading CVs and hiring other students to work for them. 
Keep posted for developments!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Term 2

Welcome to Term 2. This is going to be a term full of great learning opportunities!
We are learning to Manage Ourselves.
Our Success Criteria:
- Have self control
- control your actions
- ownership ( manners, respect, learning, responsibility for your emotions)
- stop and think
- Hautoa (courage)

For writing we are going to be focusing on goal setting and persuading others to buy our PrEP products (yes, we will be doing PrEP!).

Our shared story this term is the classic - "The Witches" by Roald Dahl. Check out the next post for what we have "found out" about witches.

Homework: Keep the reading going - at least 15 minutes every night! So important. It doesn't need to be a school book-they could read the newspaper with you or a book from the public library.

Swimming: Every Friday this term, at 10.45am (this time may change to a later time).

How to Recognise a Witch
Witches can be any woman - they could even be your teacher or your next door neighbour.
  • They always wear gloves
  • They are bald
  • Big nostrils - bigger than humans. 
  • Eyes - the black spot in the middle changes colour. Fire and ice dancing in them
  • No toes-just feet. 
  • Blue spit

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Welcome to Room 19 for 2012! We are back and ready to learn. This term, our school-wide focus is on AROHA - Akohia  Respect  Ownership  Hautoa  Ambition. For the first few weeks in Room 19, our focus will be on Akohia (Learning) and Respect.

I look forward to working with the students of Room 19. I'm sure it will be a fantastic year of learning!

Miss Nikita Lowe