Welcome to Term 3 2012. Room 19 has settled well back into Lytton Street School routines. I am excited to be Room 19's teacher for the rest of 2012. Miss Lowe has had a great first half of the year and I hope the second half will be as successful. Somethings will be different in my teaching technic. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see me. Our Inquiry this term is based on Treasures. Over the next few weeks your child will be asking you about their treasures, family name and family tree. Each week they will be bringing home Home Fun. This will be set up on Mondays and checked on Fridays. The children will have ten spelling words in total. Five from their list, based on their assessment, and five from their previous weeks writing. A small maths grid will be included, a weekly quiz, a poem and an Inquiry question. Children will gain Buzzy Bees for completing their Home Fun and for being able to recite their poem. I look forward to working with you to teach to meet the individual needs of your child.
Ms Mayne