This term we have been doing limericks! A limerick is a humourmous poem where lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme with each other. Lines 3 and 4 are shorter then 1,2 and 5 but rhyme with each other.Here are some examples:
Jaxon : There was an old man from greek
he thought it was hard to speak
he got in his car
and went to the bar
and suddenly he grew a beak
Tai : A handsome boy in my school named tai
who went to have some pie
stop said a fat clown
on his way to town
but tai already ate his yummy kai
Caleb: Once there was a lad named bad
he never liked to be sad or he would be mad
he meet an awesome king
and said ling bing
and meet a friend called chad
abbey : Once i meet a puffle
who really liked to shuffle
he went to the disco
then he went to bricos
so he had a chocolate truffle
Shi : There was once a girl named shi
she went to go buy an apple pie
she went to the store
but she was way to poor
so she came home and said hi then good bye
Bernadette: There was a dog name luke
and met a frog named duke
they went far away
the dog bought a beret
then they made some Muke
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