
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome to Term 4! Our learning focus this term is to Take Risks and Be Creative. We have been showing our creativity by writing Tongue Twisters. The other name for Tongue Twisters is Alliteration. Here are some examples of what we have done so far:

Jacob:  Shaun shot a shopping shop so Shelby shot Shaun with some snot.

Shaun:  Shimmering Sunshine shines of shiny Shaun

Geena:  Madman Manny Made Milk Madness

Ivoree:  Twinkle Toes tripped on two terrible teenagers

Alyssa L: Pesty Patsy pigs get plump by pies.

Tai:  Randy's Rhino's run madly

Malakai:  Madman Manny makes marvelous muffins

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